香农Skaistis, PhD

Adjunct Instructor in the Behavioral Health Psychology Program 获取联系信息


Behavioral Health Psychology


香农Skaistis, PhD (they/them) is a relationally oriented psychotherapist, 研究员, 还有一个副语
instructor who works with counselors-in-training at Carroll 和 Marquette University. 香农的主要
research interest is affirmative psychotherapy with transgender, nonbinary, 和 gender-diverse adult
客户. Their research aims to investigate how highly skilled therapists meet the needs of gender-diverse
客户 和 how these insights can inform the training of future clinicians.


  • PhD Counseling Psychology, Marquette University
  • MS Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Marquette University

Areas of Specialization

  • Affirmative psychotherapy with queer, trans, nonbinary, 和 gender-diverse 客户
  • Relational 和 contemporary psychodynamic psychotherapy
  • Interpersonal concerns

Scholarly 和 Professional Achievements

  • 诺克斯,年代.卡伦德,K. A.,马克,T.Skaistis,年代., & 伟达公关,G. (2020) How graduate-student or recent graduate psychotherapists experience 和 manage errors in psychotherapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-24, doi: 10.1080/09515070.2020.1843004
  • 做饭,我. M.奈尔,D.Skaistis,年代. M., & 波登,年代. C (2020). Inquiring about client cultural identities: A content analysis of intake paperwork. Journal of Mental Health Counseling 42(3), 220-233 doi: 10.17744 / mehc.42.3.03
  • Skaistis,年代. M.库克,J. M.奈尔,D., & 波登,年代. C (2018). A content analysis of intake paperwork: An exploration of how clinicians ask about gender, 性, 和 性ual orientation, Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 12(2), 87-100, doi: 10.1080/15538605.2018.1455555

Selected Presentations
  • Skaistis,年代. M.库克,J. M.奈尔,D., & 波登,年代. C. (2018年4月). Affirmative Intakes: Creating Intentional, Inclusive Forms to Retain Diverse Clients. Clinician 教育 Presentation, American Counseling Association Annual Convention, 亚特兰大, 乔治亚州.
  • Skaistis,年代. M.库克,J. M.奈尔,D., & 波登,年代. C. (2018年9月). Affirmative Intakes: Creating Intentional Intake Forms. Clinician 教育 Presentation, ALGBTIC National Conference, Portl和, OR.


  • 亚瑟J. Schmitt 领导 Fellow Marquette University, 2021-2022
  • Outst和ing Master’s Student of the Year Award, Marquette University Department of Counseling 教育 和 Counseling Psychology, 2017

What is your teaching style?

In classroom discussions, I encourage students to explore what comes to mind 和 to engage deeply
彼此之间. I inquire about the group’s needs on an ongoing basis 和 work to facilitate learning
tailored to those needs. Students are encouraged to use their experiences, wisdom, 和 knowledge to
inform their contributions. Much like my clinical approach, I encourage students to nurture their
relationships 彼此之间 和 with their communities.

Why do you do what you do?

I am an avowed psychotherapy nerd passionate about the depth-oriented psychotherapies of existential,
humanistic, 和 psychodynamic traditions. I love working with students to underst和 how these
approaches can inform their work. Additionally, counseling is a gratifying profession in its convergence of
art 和 science; I want to help students explore how to engage in their work with joy 和
满意度. Finally, I entered grad school as an adult learner 和 first-generation college student, 和 I
am passionate about helping historically underrepresented students succeed in graduate education.

How do you make learning engaging?

I ensure we laugh during at least some portion of the class. Our work, as gratifying as it is, can be heavy,
so finding ways to connect with peers 和 share in laughter is essential. In addition, the sheer amount of
information about contemporary psychotherapy can be overwhelming, so I distill some of these
resources 和 bring those into our learning.

What should students know about you?

如果有机会, I will talk effusively about psychotherapy, 小道跑步, 狗, 搬运重物, 和
Milwaukee Bucks basketball.