保险精算学 grads finding success

作者: 艾玛·索普,19岁

发表日期: 10/19/2018

类别: 保险精算学 校友 2018年第一届秋季 F1RST杂志 数学 学生

Strong Carroll Grads Make Impact at Local Firm

校友 Network Paying Dividens 


The small size of Carroll’s classes, coupled with the personal attention of its professors, creates not only a better student experience, 但是一个亲密的 校友网络 也. Beyond the immediate benefits of attending a small school, 然后, is the ability to find career paths through invested professors and alumni.

One area with an impressive record of successful internships and subsequent careers is the actuarial science program, specifically through its history with Oliver Wyman. The global management consulting company’s 密尔沃基 branch has been hiring a high number of Carroll actuarial science graduates for more than a decade. 校友 already employed at the firm will also often reach out to professors, like Dr. 约翰Symms, associate professor of 数学, to fill internship openings. This cycle of successful careers speaks not only to the quality of Carroll’s actuarial science and 数学 programs, but also to the company’s creative and engaging work environment.

Actuarial science alumnus Zach Hanson ’12 started as an intern at Oliver Wyman and began his career there upon graduating. After working as an actuarial consultant at the firm for over five years, he can attest to both its professional and personal benefits.

“I think the wide variety of projects I was involved in right off the bat really accelerated my professional development. The work we do is not only mentally stimulating, but can be quite variable from one day to the next. 除此之外, our firm offers great opportunities for its employees to grow professionally within the firm.汉森评论道。. 

彼得Scharl, a 2009 actuarial science alumnus and senior consultant at the firm, also emphasized the opportunities offered by the company as one of the explanations for its many satisfied employees.

“I think the ability to work on a variety of project types is what draws many people to Oliver Wyman and the ability to have a lot of control over your own career is what keeps them there. I changed jobs to work at Oliver Wyman because I believed it gave me the best opportunity to continue my career doing the type of work which I felt was the most rewarding and best for my career.”

While the opportunities for advancement and a diverse environment may explain an alumni’s decision to stay at Oliver Wyman, the company’s choice in hiring those alumni is evident in its positive opinion of Carroll’s academic programs.

兰德尔·菲茨帕特里克, a 2004 actuarial science Carroll alumnus and current principal at Oliver Wyman’s 密尔沃基 location, commented on the firm’s favorable view of Carroll graduates.

“I really like the program at Carroll” remarked Fitzpatrick, speaking of the university’s actuarial science program and its alumni. “They’re very high quality…obviously smart, and hardworking.” 

A growing history of hard work and loyalty has not only allowed Carroll alumni to find fulfilling careers at Oliver Wyman, but also opened the door for future actuarial graduates 也.

Oliver Wyman is an international management consulting firm with a large focus on banking and financial services. The company employs over 4,500 professionals. 


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