
If you think history is just facts, figures and timelines, think again. Historical analysis explores motivations, morals and habits; it evaluates conflicting narratives, as well as continuity and change over time. Our insights inform today’s 业务 decisions, government policies and societal values. As a historian, you will learn to develop sophisticated answers to complex real world questions.

博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s 历史 program gives you the tools to explain not just what happened, 还有为什么, 如何, 谁在乎呢. Our flexible curriculum encourages interdisciplinary study, incorporates ne-on-one mentoring, and supports independent research.

“We make our world a better place by understanding it.”



Study of the past prepares you for a bright future. It’s a cliché, but true: A history degree opens doors to a wide variety of professional paths. Recent graduates have gone on to pursue careers in 业务, 法律, 图书馆科学, 业务, teaching and even at the National Archives in Washington D.C. Our scaffolded courses train you to consider multiple perspectives, develop evidence-based arguments, 独立工作. Small classes challenge you to speak up, ask questions, and defend positions. And according to the AACU’s 2015 study, 91 percent of employers seek applicants who’ve mastered these skills.

教室外, you’ll find a friendly community of students and faculty that is active both on and off campus. 历史 majors support state-wide and national initiatives (National 历史 Day, 例如), 进行个人研究, 在会议上介绍工作, and network via internships and social events. The 36-credit major is explicitly designed to accommodate double majors and pre-professional students—you can even complete Physical Therapy or med school requirements as a history major! The major also complements both short-term and semester-long study abroad—an experience highly valued by more than three quarters of employers.

Become a Social Studies Teacher

Pairing the history major with Carroll’s 中等教育 major can lead to certification by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to teach social studies in high school and middle school. Your coursework will provide you with depth in your major while also preparing you to teach multiple disciplines in the social sciences.

Are you the kind of person who often asks, "Why?" Do you spend time on eBay, in antique stores or with the family photo albums? Have you wondered 如何 to stand out to future employers or graduate schools? Perhaps you just wish you could communicate more effectively. These are all great reasons to  add a 历史 minor!

In addition to the major, Carroll offers a minor in history that complements many areas of study. 历史 minors often have majors in:


We help you build real world experience, explore careers and network with professionals through internship opportunities. Recent placements include the following companies:

  • 史密森尼博物馆
  • 沃基肖 County Historical Society and Museum
  • Milwaukee County Historical Society and Museum
  • 旧大陆威斯康辛
  • R&R保险
  • Assorted state-wide political campaigns


College is a big investment in a bright future. Learn more about the industries and careers our majors pursue, and the workplaces and experiences of the alumni from our program. 看看你的心会带你去哪里.


Milwaukee named third best market for recent college grads

Online financial resources site SmartAsset notes affordability, fun and strong momentum in Midwestern region 



illustration of 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 buildings

历史 Students Learn to Find and Tell Stories


历史 is the recording and the telling of stories. And in Carroll’s history classes, students each year learn to find and tell those stories. 他们创造了历史.

博士图像. Markwyn

Dr. 马克温叫本杰明F. 小Richason. 学院奖得主


Dr. 阿比盖尔Markwyn named recipient of Carroll's Benjamin F. 小Richason. 教师奖


